Dominican Republic divorce records

We can get yours for you!

Your Dominican divorce records

We charge in two stages:
  1. We charge to search for your Dominican divorce records.
  2. Then we charge for the documents once we have located the records.
The Dominican divorce documents we can obtain for you:
  • Your Dominican divorce decree from the courthouse. In the Dominican Republic, the decree shows that divorce proceedings started, but not necessarily finished.
  • The entire contents of your divorce on file at the courthouse. This would include not only your decree, but also related documents such as any separation agreement that you might have signed, as well as documents relating to child custody, and perhaps also even a copy of the newspaper announcement of your divorce
  • Your Dominican divorce certificate from the civil registry office which is definitive proof that the divorce was finalised and your marriage was ended.
Dominican divorces are decreed in a court of law. Then the decree must be registered at the appropriate local registry office, otherwise the divorce is null and void.

We can obtain different Dominican divorce documents for you:

Dominican divorce certificate

If this is all you require, click on the link to see how we get your Dominican divorce certificate for you from the registry office. And if you then want to order, we even have an order form with online payment!

Dominican divorce decree

From the court where your divorce was decreed, there are three types of document we can obtain for you. Most Dominican court records of divorce are not searchable, so to obtain any of the following documents, we'd need to obtain the court details by first searching for your divorce record at the registry office. If you already have your divorce certificate or an old copy of your divorce decree, it would help us if you sent us a scanned copy or photos of the decree to

Once you have paid our fee to search for your Dominican divorce records, following is the list of documents we can get for you:

Product Details Cost
Your Dominican divorce certificate The Dominican divorce certificate is definitive proof that the divorce is irreversible and final, and that the marriage ended. For an original long-form divorce certificate with legalisation and apostille. US$115
Your Dominican divorce decree From the court, we shall have it certified and apostilled for it to be valid in most countries. US$295
Your entire divorce file from the Dominican courthouse Includes:
  • A certified and apostilled divorce decree.
  • All documentation on file in the courthouse relating to your divorce such as copies of custody/separation agreements etc, and perhaps even a copy of the divorce announcement which appeared in the newspaper. Because not all of these documents were issued by the court (newspaper announcement etc), the entire file cannot be legalised or apostilled, only the decree.
Special deluxe Dominican divorce documentation package For all of the following:
  • Divorce certificate (legalised & apostilled) including translation into English.
  • Divorce decree (certified & apostilled), translation not included but we can quote for this once we have seen the decree.
  • Copy of entire divorce file from the court (see above)
  • Shipping by UPS.

Old Dominican quickie divorce records

If you're reading this, you were likely one of the thousands of non-Dominicans who, from the 1970s to 1990s, took advantage of the Dominican Republic's quickie divorce laws. These laws allowed non-resident married couples to get divorced in as little as one day. In fact, most requests we receive for Dominican divorce records involve such quickie divorces.

Dominican divorce records: Key Points

  • Most quickie divorces were ruled in either:
    • Our capital city Santo Domingo (5 courtrooms)
    • The nearby provincial city of San Cristóbal (1 courtroom)
    Dominican divorces begin in a court of law, which issues the divorce decree, and conclude in a civil registry office, which issues the divorce certificate.  
  • Unfortunately, no court records from the 1970s to the 1990s have been digitised or scanned so we start our search in the registry offices.
  • All civil registry offices that issue divorce certificates have access to PARC, a massive electronic database containing birth, marriage, death, and divorce records. Most registry office records have been scanned and digitized.
  • If we can't find your divorce in the registry office database, we search the courts.
  • Also, if we do locate your final divorce pronouncement at the registry office, it will provide us some details of the divorce decree from the court, such as exact date it was issued, as well as the name of the court and perhaps even the docket number of the divorce!
  • With this information in hand, our clerk personally visits the relevant court and requests to see the hand-written (sometimes hand-scribbled) judgment ledger for the year of your divorce. Many of these ledgers are in poor condition due to years of neglect, with some pages missing. Occasionally, we encounter folders full of hundreds of loose and semi-illegible sheets that we must carefully examine.
  • Once we locate your Dominican divorce decree in the ledger, we submit a written request for an original copy. This process typically takes a couple of weeks but can extend up to a month, as court files are almost always kept off-site in storage facilities in another part of town.

Important Note:
If you can't initially remember the exact date of your divorce, please try to narrow it down to a specific year. We charge for searches by the year, so providing as precise a timeframe as possible helps streamline the process and potentially reduces your costs.